The purpose of Comprehensive Program Planning and Evaluation process is to identify what your program is doing well and what your program could improve. The process documents program goals, objectives, and improvements, creates an opportunity to request resources, and serves as an organizational tool for the work required by programs (curriculum, student learning outcomes, etc.). You are encouraged to collaborate with others who may provide valuable insight about your program. For example, admin, part-time faculty, students, faculty in other disciplines, classified professionals, and community partners.
Before completing this form please check the Review Cycle to see if you should be completing this form or the Annual Program Update form. Additionally, you can look at previous reviews and updates by visiting Columbia College Program Planning and Evaluation.
This form is meant to be used for all programs across the college. This form is broken up into five sections:
- General Information
- Instruction
- Reflection
- Program Goals and Resource Requests
- Additional Thoughts
The Instruction portion of the form is only displayed for applicable programs. However, if it is displayed and some of the questions are not applicable to your particular program, write "N/A"
Users have the option to save and continute later by clicking "Save" at the bottom of the page at any point. You can click "Skip Create an Account" at the bottom and either copy the link or enter your e-mail to complete later.